How can I renew Interlibrary Loan materials?


Log in to your ILL account, find the item(s) you need to renew, and click on the 'Renew' button. 


  • Clicking on the ‘Renew’ button does not automatically renew the item. The renewal request gets submitted to the lending library, which will either accept or reject the renewal request. If the renewal is approved, you will receive an e-mail with the new due date. You can also log back into your ILL account a few days after you request a renewal, and the new due date will be reflected in the transaction details.
  • Our system does not automatically generate due date reminder e-mails. It is your responsibility to keep track of your items' due dates and renew them before the initial due date.
  • If the "Renew" button does not exist, it is possible the renewal request was already sent out or that the lending library does not allow the item to be renewed. 


  • Last Updated Apr 07, 2021
  • Views 148
  • Answered By Sara Wang

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