Can I use interlibrary loan to check out eBooks from other libraries?
Unfortunately, libraries cannot lend entire ebooks due to copyright restrictions.
- Log into your Library Account using your CIIS email and password (the password is the same one you use for your CIIS email). You can also find your account from the Library homepage. Look in the top tabs, click Manage Your Account.
Once you are logged into your library account:
- Fill out the request form.
- There is a field designated for title of chapter – this must be filled in.
We will scan the chapter or will ask another library to scan this chapter on your behalf.
When ready, you will receive an email notification in your CIIS mymail account.
Find the chapter you need:
- Search for the book/ebook in the Library Catalog
- From the results list, click on the title of the book to open the book’s record
- Click View Description
- Look for the Contents section. This information may list the chapters in the table of contents. See example screenshot below.
- If a contents section is not available in the Library Catalog, you can try looking up the book in Amazon or Google Books. "Read Inside" to find the table of contents.
Option 2: If you are a local student and able to come to the CIIS campus, you can request a print version of the book using interlibrary loan. Use the instructions above, but omit the book chapter information.
Option 3: If you are not a local student, or unable to come to the CIIS campus, look to see if your local public library either carries the book or also offers interlibrary loan for the print book.