How do I share my folders in RefWorks?


You can share folders with anyone, even if they don't have a RefWorks account. It's also possible to change the permissions of those you share with - the options are read, edit, annotate. 

To share folders with a RefWorks user:

  1. Select Share > Share folder

    OR In the Sharing area of the left sidebar, select Share a folder

    OR in the My Folders area select Share folder in the row action list.

    The Sharing Settings dialog box appears.

    ProQuest new RefWorks folder sharing settings box

  2. In the Shared with area, enter the email addresses with which you want to share the folder. For each address, select whether the user:

    • Can read – Read citations, only.
    • Can annotate – Read and add comments and highlights to citations.
    • Can modify – Read, annotate, add, and remove citations from references. Also add notes to references.
  3. You can also enter an optional message for the user. The user receives an email notifying them about the invitation.

    You can also view users with whom you have already shared the folder, and can change or remove their access.

  4. When you are done, select Done.

To unshare the folder at any time, select Unshare Folder on the Sharing Settings dialog box and select Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

To share folders with a non-RefWorks user: 

  1. In the Public URL area, select Create Public URL to create a URL that you can use to share the contents of folders and sub-folders with others who do not have a RefWorks account.
    ProQuest New RefWorks folder sharing settings box
    Public URL
  2. Select Remove URL to delete the URL and remove public access to the folder.

See the below video and links for a demo of how to create and share folders in RefWorks. 


  • Last Updated Jun 08, 2021
  • Views 16
  • Answered By Kelly Karst

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