How do I search for a specific book or article when I know the title?


Are you looking for....

  • course readings available through the Library?
  • a great book or article that someone recommended?
  • an article or book you found using Google Scholar and you don’t want to pay for access to read it?
  • an article or book that you found referenced and now you are asking, “How can I find it?”


When you know the TITLE of an article or book use the Library Catalog.


Start at the Library homepage

Click the top tab LIBRARY CATALOG or by the search box, click the words ADVANCED SEARCH.

Library homepage. Library Catalog Advanced Search

Now the Advanced Search option is open.

Look at the search boxes.

Notice that the SEARCH INDEX: Keyword, Title, Author. 

1. Type just the TITLE of the book or article.

  • The search index is changeable. Make sure the search index is set to TITLE.
  • Do not include any of the extra information – don’t type the publication year or the journal title, etc.
  • Often this is all you need and you can click search unless the title is generic (ie: Psychology)

2. IF THE TITLE IS GENERIC: Also type just ONE of the author’s LAST NAMES

  • Make sure the search index is set to AUTHOR.
  • There may be many authors, just choose one author.
  • Only type the last name. Do not include the first name or initials.
  • Need the author? Look it up using Google.


Advanced Search. Searching by title and author.

Did you find it? Is the article/book in the results list?

If not, look left-side of the screen. Click LIBRARIES WORLDWIDE.


If the item is not immediately available through the CIIS Library you may want to consider using Interlibrary Loan. Click the click below for more information.

Still not there? Try these trouble-shooting tips:  

  • Check for typos and anything you copy/pasted by mistake
  • Search Google to make sure you have a correct title
  • Delete punctuation !?.: 
  • Try using quotation marks. For example: "Cultures and Identities in Transition: Jungian Perspectives"
  • Delete the subtitle
  • Is it a chapter? When you find a citation for a chapter, you will search using the BOOK TITLE

Be careful!

If you are looking for a BOOK, watch out for articles that have the same title as the BOOK you want. These are likely BOOK REVIEWS

  • Last Updated Jul 20, 2023
  • Views 95
  • Answered By

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