RefWorks offers different versions of APA 7th. Which one should I use?


RefWorks created multiple 7th edition styles because some databases send bibliographic data in slightly different formats. To correct for those differences, RefWorks created a few database-specific styles so that the end result - your formatted citation - contains all the necessary information in the correct format. 

For example, when exporting from an EBSCO database, only the short version of the DOI is sent over (10.1111/add.13154), so RefWorks created a version of APA 7th that adds the "" to create the DOI format that the 7th edition requires: For more information about these database-specific options, please see here.

If, like many students, you export citations from several different databases (EBSCO, ProQuest, etc) then RefWorks suggests using this version of APA 7th: APA 7th - No Case Changes (No Title Casing), DOI: empty. Then, as with any citation formatted by RefWorks, you'll want to double-check that the formatting is correct before turning in your paper.

We have copies of the 7th edition APA manual available for checkout here, or you can browse the APA Style website

  • Last Updated Mar 23, 2021
  • Views 688
  • Answered By Heather Nelson

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