I am not currently enrolled in classes or on Leave of Absence (LOA) and cannot access the Library resources.
As per the Leave of Absence policy and our contracts with our library vendors, all library privileges will be suspended for the duration of your Leave, including remote access to electronic resources.
The conditions during LOA are set by University policy that the Library adheres to. These conditions are set because a student is not enrolled while on LOA due to extenuating personal circumstances, and the expectation is that they will be able to resume their program when these circumstances have been resolved. The policy addresses restrictions to campus privileges and resources available when a student is inactive/not enrolled.
Please see the Registration and Grading Policies in the CIIS Academic Catalog (pages 391-392) for more details (login will be required).
If you not currently enrolled and have been granted an exception for extensions, please reach out to your Program's advisor or manager and the CIIS Registrar.
In the meantime, consider looking into whether your local public library has access to research databases. They may also offer an interlibrary loan service to retrieve articles or books that are not in their collection.