How do I create a RefWorks account?
1. Find RefWorks on the Library homepage, or go directly to
2. Click on Create Account at the bottom of the login box.
- Do not click "Use login from my institution." This will not work.
3. Type in your CIIS email address ( and click "Check"
** You must use your CIIS email (not gmail, or yahoo, etc) as that is how RefWorks confirms that you are a CIIS student and entitled to a a free account!
4. The next screen should show you a confirmation message that RefWorks is available at CIIS
5. Enter a password (anything you choose), and click the "Sign Up" button
Note: Your CIIS email becomes your login name.
6. Last step: An activation email will be sent to your CIIS email. Click on the activation link in the email.
7. You'll be directed back to RefWorks to enter your name, role, and area of focus. Note: Area of Focus refers to your department/program. You’ll also be asked if you’d like to install the “Save to RefWorks” browser bookmarklet (a great way to capture data from web pages!) and if you’d like to install one of our paper writing helpers (Write-N-Cite/RefWorks Citation Manager for Word or RefWorks Add-on for Google Docs).