How do I find a specific Journal Article?


Step 1

  • Navigate to the library homepage to search in the Library Catalog. 
  • Copy and paste the article title in the search bar to see if it comes up.
  • If it does, then click on the View Full Text button. view full text button picture

Step 2

If the article does not appear by this simple search, search to see if the library subscribes to the journal.  


Step 3

If the library does not subscribe to the journal, or if our subscription does not include the publication years of the article you're looking for, try searching Google Scholar to see if there is a copy of the article available on the open web.


Step 4

If the library does subscribe to the journal, click the journal title link. (There may be more than one, so choose a link whose coverage range includes the date of the article you're looking for.) You will be taken to the Journal's "homepage" within a database. Use your article's citation information to find your article.

Option 1: "Search within this publication"

The first way is to utilize the “Search within this Publication” field and type in specific information from your citation. The title of the article is a good option. Place the title in quotes to search it as an exact phrase. 

Be careful with this option: Any typos or mistakes will lead you to zero results or the wrong results. The database will not autocorrect your typos or suggest a close alternative! 

Option 2: "Browse specific issues"

Underneath the “Search within this publication” field you’ll see the option to “Browse specific issues.”

Select the year your article was published, and continue to narrow your results by month, then volume and issue number. Consult your citation to ensure that you have the correct information.

In this APA formatted citation, the 15 is the volume number, and the (3) is the issue number. 

Scroll through the results to find the correct article title and author.

You now have the option of reading the full-text displayed on the screen or downloading a full-text PDF  to your desktop. 


  • Last Updated Mar 26, 2024
  • Views 302
  • Answered By Kelly Karst

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