How do I log into my Interlibrary Loan (ILL) account to create requests for items the CIIS Library doesn't have?


Item not available at the CIIS Library?

Use our interlibrary loan service and we will try to borrow the item from another library on your behalf. 

  • Articles and up to one book chapter as a PDF are available for all 
  • Full print books are available to those able to pick them up at the San Francisco Mission Campus
  • eBooks cannot be shared through interlibrary loan for copyright reasons. 

Requests can be put in manually or through the Library Catalog. 

For manual requests (to type in the information yourself or when the item cannot be found in the Library Catalog):

  • Log into your Library Catalog Account by using your CIIS email and password (the password is the same as that of your CIIS email).
    • If you are faculty or staff who is also a student, you will need to log in using your email credentials.
  • Once logged in, from your "My Account" page click the Requests tab 
    • OR from Catalog, click Requests from the drop down menu where you logged in.
  • Click on Create Request button to create a new request.  

For items that can be found in the Library Catalog:

  • To find the item, search for the title in the Library Catalog.
  • To show items not available at CIIS, click on the checkbox Libraries Worldwide underneath the set of filters Search in These Libraries
  • Click on the title to open the record. Find the purple Get from other library/Request a scan button. 
      • If this button is unavailable: You are likely looking at an eBook record. Either find the print version of the book or put in a manual request (listed at the top of these instructions). 


  • Last Updated Jul 17, 2023
  • Views 820
  • Answered By Sara Wang

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